Monday, April 23, 2012

Two Temshiel walk into a bar…

I still like that synopsis better.

RAPPORT—just a little short about Malick’s first meeting with Skel—is now available for free download from Dreamspinner Press.

SYNOPSIS: Life for an immortal can get a little dull. But Skel has just found a new spark of interest in Wolf's new Null, and he's taking another look at life, love, the world, and Kamen Malick.

Anyone who plans to buy any book in the Wolf’s-own series should go take advantage of the offer, even if you’ve already read this particular story, and be sure to check out every last page. (*cough*easter egg*cough*)

Also, while I’m here, I want to do a quick FAQ for anyone who might be paying attention. These are a few questions I’ve had posed to me consistently since before the first book in the series even came out, so here are the answers:

Is this a shifter story?
No. The possibility of the misconception hadn’t even occurred to me until someone asked the question when I announced the contract for publication. Oops. No shifters.

When will you be done writing the last book?
I was done before I even submitted the first one. I don’t submit anything in a series until all of the story is complete. There are four books in the series, and there will only be four books in the series.

Cliffhangers between books?
Well, it depends on your definition, I guess. I really didn’t think so, but some readers begged to differ. Strenuously. So you’re probably better off listening to them on that one.

Books one and two are one complete story arc, and books three and four are a different but intricately related and complete story arc. So, if you’re wary of cliffhangers, you might want to read one and two together, and then wait until four is out to start three.

Four books? Four? Really?
Sorry, but it’s the reality of small press publishing. Small presses cannot economically handle more than 150K words in one shot. The first story arc clocked in at around 350K and the second arc finished at around 200K. And that was after some pretty hefty cuts.

You should know, though, that you can read the first two books and walk away with a complete story. Books three and four are necessary additions to the overarching story as a whole, but not to that first arc.

Also? If you’ve read one and two and Fen got on your nerves, you can pretty much just pack it in now and not bother with three and four. The first arc was about Malick becoming who he needed to be; the second is pretty much about Fen learning how to be an actual person.

When are the publication dates for books three and four?
The contracts specify May/June for book three and June/July for book four. Last I heard, everything was ahead of schedule and the plan was for mid/late-May for book three and then mid/late-June for book four, but it’s possible the dates could get pushed out for unforeseeable reasons to June and July. (For instance, I haven’t gotten the cover art yet, and I believe they wait to schedule an actual print run until that’s done and approved, so delays are possible.) So if things keep to the pattern set with the first two books, the last two should be out no later than the end of June, but you never know. I’ll post when I’ve gotten cover art and specific dates.

Any other questions, let me know.

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