Monday, May 14, 2012


For those of you who have not read them but were thinking about it: GHOST and WEREGILD e-book May 14th - May 21st Random drawing for e-books. That's it. To win both books, just email me at carole AT carolecummings DOT com (SUBJECT: Ghost/Weregild) or leave a comment here within the timeframe and I'll choose a name at random on the 21st and notify the winner. One entry per person, please. You will need an account at Dreamspinner Press in order to collect your e-books. If you don't have one, it only takes a minute, and there is no credit card info or anything like that required. Now don’t peek at the next one, because there are spoilers. ;) For those who’ve read the first two: KOAN e-ARC May 14th - May 18th Simply answer the question: What happened to the braid? and email it to carole AT carolecummings DOT com. Make sure you put KOAN CONTEST in the subject line. You will need an account at Dreamspinner Press in order to collect your e-book. If you don't have one, it only takes a minute, and there is no credit card info or anything like that required. A winner will be chosen by me on May 18th and awarded the e-ARC for Wolf's-own, Book Three: Koan. Just in time for weekend reading. ;) There is no right or wrong answer. There is no answer at all, which is why I'm asking the question. And there will be no blind drawing or objective criteria for awarding the prize. 'Wow' me, entertain me, make me think--whoever gives me an answer that makes me laugh or groan or say 'Ah-ha! That's it!' gets the advance copy of book three. You can enter as many times as you like, but please do not comment here with your answer. Email only to the above address. My daughter will be screening my email for me so that all I see are the answers with no names attached to them.

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