Friday, June 24, 2011

Book Two on Amazon

Now available in both paperback and Kindle formats at Amazon.

It says it's sold out already, but they're taking orders for it. Weirdly, there's a nice 5-star review on the Kindle version, but it doesn't show up on the paperback version. I have no idea what that means. But yay for tags. Even though I still don't know what they do.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Okay, it's live

Available now at Torquere Press/Prizm Books

And it's already got a brilliant 5 STAR REVIEW from Cole at Jessewave Reviews. Woooohoooo! \o/ I think I have now officially updated everything that needs to be updated. *throws confetti*

As I said before, I'll let everyone know when it goes up at Amazon, etc. Those of you who plan to buy, thank you and I hope you enjoy!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Art and stuff

Okay, let’s see if I can get all the graphics right. If I haven’t screwed it up totally, you should be able to click on the small pic for the full-sized image. *crosses fingers*

Cover art for Aisling, Book Two: Dream by Rose Lenoir
There’s no title on it yet, because there were some adjustments to the art itself that had to be made. The book is still set to release on Wednesday, June 15th. If things go as they did last time around, the paperback version should be available on Amazon about a week later with the ebook following about a month after that. Considering the ordering snafus with Book One (though I’ve been assured that was general Web fallout from that ‘Anonymous’ MC/Visa hacking thing and can’t happen again), how/when/from whom you choose to order is totally up to you.

Edit: Crap, I forgot. There's an excerpt available on my site HERE. Yeesh, I hope that's everything.

Cover art for Impromptu by… me!
Yes, they’re actually using my art for the cover. \o/ Woohoo! They’ve already got a placemarker for it up on their site HERE because their art department has to do some vague thing or other before the official version goes up, but I’m totally chuffed that they wanted the illo I sent them. I wasn’t even going to ask about it, but my editor mentioned something and then I mentioned something, and it just kind of went from there. Anyway, Impromptu will be available July 6th, according to the website, and if it’s priced like the other shorts of its size, it should be about $1.49. As I understand it, though, it will only be available from Dreamspinner—no Amazon, etc.—so if you’re thinking of buying it, you’ll have to get it from there.

Pretty Psycho Ninja by my friend Jenni
Don’t you just love that title? *dies* Some of you will recognize Fen here. I was so impressed with the way she captured both mood and setting in a silhouette. I adore this one so much that it’s now my wallpaper. *pets it*

Also, while I’m shamelessly self-promoting, there was a really nice review of Book One on the Bibrary Bookslut (Don’t you just love that name?) review blog HERE. And I’m going to have to check out what happened over at GOODREADS pretty soon, because the number of ratings and reviews over there nearly doubled while I was gone. *scratches head* It’s still hanging on to a 4.5 out of 5 average, though, so I’m definitely pleased.

Now I’m going to be a nervous wreck until the first few reviews for Book Two start trickling in. If they do trickle in. Yay, something new to fret about. God, you’d think I’d get over it eventually, but no. I still have those moments of oh-god-I-suck-they’re-all-going-to-hate-it-must-hide-under-rock. Lots of those moments. I have to shut up now.

Okay, that’s it for now. I have some more Aisling art from my friend Rosina, but she won’t let me post it yet because she’s not done tweaking. As soon as I get the go-ahead, I’ll show it off here. :)